What makes customers leave their online shopping carts mid-purchase?

Minor inconveniences in the online payment process can have a lasting impact on customers which can
cause a loss in loyalty and repeat purchases if these customers decide to power through the said
inconvenience in the first place.
A few that are worth noting are the following:

  1. Limited Payment Options
    A variety of quality products can lure customers to your website but if the payment options
    provided are not suitable for them, there is a big chance that the purchase won’t push through.
    Emails urging these customers to continue their purchase because “the items in their cart only
    have a few left in stock” may not be enough to convince them to find an alternative payment
    option that can be accepted by your business.
    A good solution to address the problem would be to adopt an online payment solution that can
    offer a wide array of payment options whether credit, debit cards, e-wallets, or others.
  2. Complicated Checkout Process
    Checkout processes that force customers to create an account, pay for unexpected shipping
    fees, or send screenshots of their payment and other layers during the payment process can
    often discourage them to push through their purchase.
    A solution would be to add a progress indicator to show customers how close they are to
    completing the process and to avail of a payment service that gives the best of both worlds, a
    simple process for customers and for businesses.
  3. Poor User Interface Design
    The current generation of customers instantly judges the look and feel of your business’s
    website or platform. User Interface Design can include content, simplicity, readability, and
    organization of your website.
    This conclusion can be decided by the users in less than a second so investing in a good design
    and good their party software solutions can be a benefit long term.
  4. Lack of Customer Support
    Providing excellent customer service can improve your business’s reputation. It can provide a
    better relationship with your customers and even encourage repeat customers. This is even
    more crucial in the payment process so working with the right brand and the right people is
    essential in helping you improve your reputation.

Doing business is tough. These days, it takes less than a second for customers to leave your site mid-purchase. One of the biggest factors is during payment. Avoid these challenges by availing GiyaPay, an online payment solution that provides a simple and understandable payment process and excellent customer support.
Learn more by visiting the GiyaPay website at www.giyapay.com or by messaging GiyaPay’s Facebook and Instagram profiles.